Recommended Internet Packages for Traveling to the United States
The United States is the largest country in North America and is praised by its many amazing natural landscapes and thriving cities. The capital city of Washington D.C. is known for its fascinating museums and monuments. New York City is a busy metropolis with iconic attractions such as the Statue of Liberty and Times Square. Los Angeles, California, on the other hand, is the heart of the Hollywood movie industry and enjoys stunning sunny days and beautiful beaches. Great Falls National Park in Virginia is one of the most famous natural wonders in the United States. Grand Canyon National Park in Colorado offers spectacular canyon views. Whether you enjoy history and culture or natural beauty, the United States will undoubtedly fulfill your travel needs.


Planning a trip to the United States lately, but don't have cell phone internet access sorted out? No problem, we're here to help! Almond recommends two of the best eSIM packages available, or if your phone doesn't support eSIM, Almond also recommends two of the best Prepaid SIM packages. When choosing the best internet package in the US, we consider price, traffic and validity.


Recommended eSIM packages for traveling to USA

No.1 USA 5 Days - 500MB/day


Price: From $8.58

Validity period: QR code valid for 30 days

Other Information: Carrier AT&T; Traffic only


No.2 USA 7 days - 1GB/day

Price: From $17.3

Validity period: valid for 180 days with QR code

Additional Information: Carrier AT&T/T-mobile; Traffic only



Recommended Prepaid SIM Packages for Traveling to the U.S.

No.1 USA 5 Days - Unlimited Traffic/day

Price: From $14.39

Validity: Physical card valid for 180 days

Other Information: Carrier AT&T/T-mobile; Traffic only


No.2 USA 7 Days - Unlimited Traffic/day

Price: From $16.47

Validity: Physical card valid for 360 days

Additional Information: Carrier AT&T/T-mobile; Unlimited Traffic + Talk + SMS